
2018天空之城 年度航拍大賽周精選第二期

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? ? ? ?“天空之城”年度航拍大賽由全球最大的航拍社區之一“天空之城”全力打造,是DJI大疆創新旗下的全球性航拍賽事。自2015年起,“天空之城”已成功舉辦三屆航拍攝影大賽和一屆航拍視頻大賽,吸引了來自全球超過140個國家的優秀航拍攝影師和愛好者參與獎項角逐,投稿數超過十萬,誕生過無數空前絕美的自然與人文航拍杰作,也為全世界的航拍愛好者們搭建起一座相互交流與對話的橋梁。

? ? ? ?·精選攝影作品第三周——冰與火之歌


2018天空之城 年度航拍大賽周精選第二期_影賽頻道-蜂鳥網

Advent?Adventures,降臨節的冒險,Taavi Purtsak,“御”Mavic Pro

  Looking for a Christmas tree in the wild, Taavi Purtsak realized that by changing his perspective a bit, he would find the perfect one.


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The Eye of the Demon,惡魔之眼,蘇鐵,“御”Mavic Pro


  Located in southwestern Iceland, the Great Geysir is a sight to behold from the ground. From above, its deep blue pool stares out like the staring eye of a demon.

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冰山之下,Under?the Iceberg,Thomas看看世界,“御”Mavic Pro


  Thomas always heard that 90% of an iceberg is underwater, but was in for a surprise when he saw this for himself.

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Opening a Path,開路者,Alex the Drone Hiker,“御” Mavic 2 專業版

  Amongst a sea of ice, an icebreaker cuts through miles of frozen water. Flying overhead, Alex captures this lone red ship forging a single path for other ships to cross.


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飄,Gone with the Ice,李珩 13811278527,“御”Mavic Air


  Li Wei and his friends add a fun, risk-taking element to their group photo, turning the frozen Lake Pumoyum Co and its shore into an epic fight, holding on for dear life.

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奇幻森林,Fantasy?Forest,138523…,精靈 Phantom 4 Pro


  A winter sequoia forest reveals splashes of color and pattern, resulting in a display of fireworks frozen in time.

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Red Sand Garden,紅石公園,Peterviragphoto,精靈 Phantom 4 Pro

  Cranbourne’s Red Sand Garden is a display of color and texture that comes together into a natural work of art.


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古鎮色彩,The Hue of Old Town,雨果,精靈 Phantom 4 Pro

It’s easy to assume that old cities are stuck in a simple, dull past. With a single shot, Hugo reveals that every town is full of life and color.

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溫州大峽谷,Grand Canyon in Wenzhou,henry.zhou,“悟”Inspire 2

  Henry flies through Wenzhou’s Zeyajingkeng Canyon, whose peaks and turns shine at the golden hour.

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Which Side is Your Favorite?各有所愛,Cuno de Bruin,“曉”Spark

  In the Netherlands, the spring blooms with acres of tulips, bringing waves of bright color with them.




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科索沃彼得?博格達尼國家圖書館,“御”Mavic 2

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日照新葡京,Kevin Zhen精靈 Phantom 4 Pro


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二重奏,?Roger“御”Mavic 2 專業版

  新加坡沒有四季,對我們而言,只有雨季和旱季。旱季從每年三月至八月,雨季則從九月持續到次年二月。這張“季節二重奏”由“御”Mavic 2 專業版拍攝。

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蒲甘,“御”Mavic Pro


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為了尋找你,我搬進鳥的眼睛。捌月玖日未央“御”Mavic Pro

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星河,antoneleven“御”Mavic Pro


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城市的形狀,Donelson_Lee“御”Mavic 2 專業版

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冬日里的俄式教堂,Raveo85精靈 Phantom 4 Advanced

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哈爾濱大劇院,捌月玖日未央“御”Mavic 2 專業版

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靜待入夜,下雨 | RAIN“御”Mavic 2 專業版,廣州。
